A talk, Server Benchmarking and Design with CloudSuite 3.0, was given on March 28th at DATE 2017.

Javier Picorel will gave a talk on server benchmarking and design with CloudSuite 3.0 at DATE 2017. His talk was on March 28th at 14:30-15:15 in the Exhibition Theatre of the Swisstech Convention Center.

Mario Drumond, Arash Pourhabibi, and Mark Sutherland also gave a demo on CloudSuite 3.0 at the EcoCloud exhibition booth in conjunction with DATE’17 on the 27-31 of March.


Since its inception, CloudSuite (cloudsuite.ch) has emerged as a popular suite of benchmarks both in industry and among academics for the performance evaluation of cloud services. The EuroCloud Server project blueprinted key optimizations in server SoCs based on the salient features of CloudSuite benchmarks that lead to an order of magnitude improvement in efficiency while preserving QoS. ARM-based server products (e.g., Cavium ThunderX) have now emerged following these guidelines and showcasing the improved efficiency.

CloudSuite 3.0 is a major enhancement over prior releases both in benchmarks and infrastructure. It includes benchmarks that represent massive data manipulation with tight latency constraints such as in-memory data analytics using Apache Spark, a new real-time video streaming benchmark following today’s most popular video-sharing website setups, and a new web serving benchmark mirroring today’s multi-tier web server software stacks.

To ease the deployment of CloudSuite into private and public cloud systems, the benchmarks are integrated into the Docker software container system and Google’s PerfKit Benchmarker. Docker wraps each benchmark into a self-contained software package, guaranteeing the same execution regardless of the environment, while PerfKit automates the process of benchmarking cloud server systems with CloudSuite. CloudSuite 3.0 is supported to run both on real hardware and on our QEMU-based computer architecture simulation framework.

The slides of the presentation are available here.